Ultrasound technicians, also known as diagnostic medical sonographers, use specialized equipment to create images of the inside of the human body. These images are used by physicians to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. If you are interested in becoming an ultrasound technician, it is important to choose a reputable school with a strong program. In this article, we will provide tips on how to search for the best 10 ultrasound technician schools to help you find the right program for your needs.
How to find best ultrasound technician schools near me?
As an aspiring ultrasound technician, you may be wondering how to find the best ultrasound technician schools near you that offer training in this field. Here are some steps you can follow to find the best ultrasound technician schools near you:
- Research accredited schools: It is important to attend a school that has been accredited by a recognized accrediting body. In the United States, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS) are the two main accrediting bodies for ultrasound technician programs.
- Search online: There are several websites that allow you to search for ultrasound technician schools near you by zip code or city. Some popular options include the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS), and the CAAHEP. These websites also provide information on the programs offered by each school, including the length of the program and the types of degrees offered.
- Check with local hospitals and medical centers: Many hospitals and medical centers have their own training programs for ultrasound technicians. These programs may be more convenient if you are unable to attend a traditional college or university. You can also contact local hospitals and medical centers to ask about any partnerships they may have with nearby schools that offer ultrasound technician programs.
- Consider online programs: If you are unable to attend a school in person due to location or other constraints, you may want to consider an online program. There are several accredited online programs that offer training in ultrasound technology. These programs may be a good option if you prefer a flexible schedule or if you need to balance your studies with other commitments.
- Research tuition and financial aid: Once you have identified a few schools that interest you, it is important to research the tuition costs and financial aid options available. Some schools may offer scholarships or grants to students, while others may have payment plans or work-study programs. Be sure to also check with the financial aid office at each school to learn about any additional funding opportunities.
By following these steps, you can find the best ultrasound technician schools near you that meet your needs and fit your budget.
What schools offer ultrasound technician programs?
Ultrasound technician programs are offered at a variety of schools, including community colleges, technical schools, and four-year colleges and universities. Many hospitals and medical centers also offer training programs for aspiring ultrasound technicians. Some popular ultrasound technician schools include:
- The Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences
- The University of Michigan
- The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- The George Washington University
- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- The University of South Florida
These are just a few examples, and there are many other schools that offer ultrasound technician programs as well. To find schools near you that offer ultrasound technician programs, you can search online or contact local hospitals and medical centers for information on training programs. You can also check with the CAAHEP or the JRC-DMS to find accredited programs in your area.
What schools offer ultrasound technician programs online?
There are several schools that offer ultrasound technician programs online. These programs may be a good option if you are unable to attend a traditional college or university in person due to location or other constraints. Some popular schools that offer online ultrasound technician programs include:
- South College
- Keiser University
- American College for Medical Careers
- American Institute for Medical Sonography
- Concorde Career College
It is important to note that online programs may have different requirements and may not be available in all states. Be sure to research the specific program requirements and check with the school to ensure that the program is available in your state. It is also important to ensure that the online program you are considering is accredited by a recognized accrediting body, such as the CAAHEP or the JRC-DMS.
Provided that you don’t wanna see yourself in the growing crowd of jobless ultrasound technicians, then we suggest you to pay extreme care while choosing a sonography school. Now, the growing popularity of this lucrative and exciting sonographer’s jobs did certainly resulted in a huge surge of great many ultrasound schools and colleges, all of which, no doubt, try to enchant innocent students with “we provide the very best ultrasound training” kinda advertisements. However, some bad ultrasound schools may also be employing these promotional claims. Thus, precisely for that reason we are here with some tips that would prove useful in your hunt of good ultrasound programs.
Tips To Find The best Ultrasound Technician Schools:–
Contact Your State’s Nursing Board To Learn The Names Of Accredited Sonography Schools!
Don’t hesitate to say “bye bye” to such schools and colleges which may have tried but couldn’t yet be graced with the accreditation of your state’s nursing board. And, as it happens, your nursing board does have this good habit of recording the names of their state accredited ultrasound programs.
Now, a quick visit to the nursing board premises or its official website would probably fetch you the list of the state accredited sonography programs that you may enroll with full confidence.

Ensure That Your Chosen Ultrasound Program Qualifies For ARDMS Certification Exam!
If we were to look from the educational point of view, any schools with quality ultrasound curriculum are OK to enroll at…but, if we were to slightly change our viewpoint and rather look from the job aspect, then all we recognize is a CAAHEP (that’s short for Council for Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs) accredited ultrasound school; any other schools without accreditation from CAAHEP is presumably not worth attending. Of course, you may ask “Why CAAHEP?” which is our cue to boast about the goodness of CAAHEP accredited programs:–
i) Quality Teachings:– Enrolling at a CAAHEP accredited program means that you will be getting to explore an up-to-date ultrasound coursework, under the teachings of experienced faculty staffs.
ii) Full Theoretical & Clinical Credits:– That CAAHEP accredited program will not only offer theoretical and laboratory practices but also subject you to clinical internship at some ultrasound facilities.
iii) ARDMS Certification Exam:–Each and every fledgling ultrasound technicians, upon graduation from their school, start to look here and there for jobs. But, as it happens, employers tend to offer employment to only such sonographers, who have been tested OK by the ARDMS (American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers) authorities. Hence, forget the job and try your luck at the ARDMS certification exam, which is thankfully open for any graduated students of CAAHEP accredited sonography programs.
You see, CAAHEP accredited ultrasound schools are seemingly the best destinations for receiving your sonography education, not only because of their quality curriculum but also because of the qualification that they grant for sitting in the ARDMS test.
By the way, there are currently over 150 ultrasound schools, which have been favored with the accreditation from CAAHEP. You can easily trace out the names and locations of those schools from the official site of CAAHEP (type caahep.org). And, oh, let me also confide you that out of the 4 or so CAAHEP accredited online ultrasound schools, only 2 schools are still favored with the countenance of CAAHEP.
Note:–Non-CAAHEP-accredited schools’ ultrasound graduates may have to contact SDMS (i.e. Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers) and complete the required clinical credit hours at a recognized laboratory, in order to earn the qualification to sit in the ARDMS certification exam (consists of the Sonography Principles & Instrumentation test and the Specialty exam).
Keep Your Eyes Open For Ultrasound Schools With High Rate Of Job Placement!
Most of the time, graduating from an ultrasound tech school, even if its accredited, doesn’t really guarantee your chance of getting a job. No wonder, the crowd of jobless and frustrated ultrasound techs is increasing gradually. Now, if you don’t wanna see yourself in this jobless crowd, then at the time of choosing your ultrasound school, do look out for such state accredited schools that offer job placement facilities.
Enquire Hospitals & Other Ultrasound Job Providers About Sonography Schools That They Favor!
If you really care about getting employed right after your graduation, then we advise you to enroll at an ultrasound school which enjoys good reputation on your country and whose ultrasound graduates are favored and trusted by the potential employers.
Therefore, taking ultrasound school recommendations from the healthcare industries’ potential employers (like maybe that surgery hospital in your region or that physician’s office down the road) will certainly yield you a prospective ultrasound career, letting you relish a yearly income of as high as $70,000 (gets better with experience).